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Our Spring Events Have Launched!

6 March 2025
We're back with a bumper spring events programme!

In March, RCSEd Library and Archive will be offering the opportunity to view some of their rare collections not on display to the public. The Library and Archive will also be joined by Tom Wood in May for a talk about the Ruxton case which he describes in his book as the first modern murder.

Our Lunch Time Talk series will continue with talks on 'Gray's Anatomy', Anna Morandi Manzolini and Elsie Inglis.

In June, we will be hosting Ambrose Parry for the launch of their new book 'The Death of Shame'.  Later in June we will be joined by forensic anthropologist Dr. Robert Mann to discuss how he has assisted in helping solve police cases around the world.

We will also be hosting our first 'teen take-over'- a special bespoke after hours event for ages 12-18.
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