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Aortic Arch

This month’s object is a dissection showing the blood vessels rising from the heart and the nerves from the spinal column. The red part of the specimen is the main artery leaving the heart and the major arteries branching from it. The nerves that branch off from the spine are painted white. This particular object is part of the Struthers collection.

John Struthers retired as Professor of Anatomy at Aberdeen University in 1889 and returned to Edinburgh, where he had studied medicine and worked as a surgeon and teacher. Struthers became President of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh from 1895-1897 and during this time he donated his private anatomy collection to the College. Specimens such as this one were prepared by Struthers by injecting coloured wax into blood vessels to highlight their path. The specimens were then varnished to prevent decay.

Aortic Arch
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