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Squire's Inhaler

Squire's Inhaler

William Squire was a doctor who helped Robert Liston give the first operation under ether anaesthesia in the UK. Following the operation’s success he designed this apparatus. It is the oldest and most complete inhaler of its kind in the world. HC T.1.4

Set of amputation instruments, nineteenth century

Set of amputation instruments, nineteenth century

This set of amputation instruments was awarded as the first prize for the Edinburgh University Class of Surgery 1872-3 to John Haggart M.A. HC. I. 12.26

Modern ‘basket’ for retrieving calculi.

Modern ‘basket’ for retrieving calculi.

When treating calculi a stent is sometimes used to expand the ureter allowing urine to flush the stones away. A ‘basket’ as shown here may also be used to retrieve the stone fragments.


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