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Blood and Guts walking tours

June 2023

Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 25 June 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.95-£17.95

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

"Blood and Guts walking tour was amazing! We loved the tour guide, all the history and stories we heard. It was also awesome to walk around the museum afterwards.” ***** Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town. We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discov…


Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 24 June 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.95-£17.95

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

"Blood and Guts walking tour was amazing! We loved the tour guide, all the history and stories we heard. It was also awesome to walk around the museum afterwards.” ***** Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town. We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discov…


Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 18 June 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.95-£17.95

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

"Blood and Guts walking tour was amazing! We loved the tour guide, all the history and stories we heard. It was also awesome to walk around the museum afterwards.” ***** Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town. We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discov…


Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 17 June 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.95-£17.95

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

"Blood and Guts walking tour was amazing! We loved the tour guide, all the history and stories we heard. It was also awesome to walk around the museum afterwards.” ***** Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town. We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discov…


Living Autopsy with Dr. Suzy Lishman CBE 

Date(s): 17 June 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £12/£9

Booking Link:

This unique event is presented by Consultant Histopathologist, Dr Suzy Lishman CBE, and involves a ‘living’ dead body, played by an actor. Dr Lishman will take attendees through the process of a post-mortem examination, showing the real instruments used, explaining where incisions are made, how each organ is examined, and what tests might be carrie…


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