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Re-Start A Heart Day

Date(s): 16 October 2024

Time: 11am-4pm

Cost: Included in standard museum admission

Restart A Heart 2021 2

We are delighted to be hosting drop-in activities for Restart a Heart Day’,  a global initiative to raise awareness and education of CPR and AEDs in the community and takes place every year on 16th October. We will be joined by the BSc Oral Health Sciences staff and students in from Edinburgh University as well as representatives from the British Heart Foundation to provide information and teach the vital skill of CPR as part of international restart a heart day.
They will be in the museum learning space from 11:00am until 4:00pm if any museum visitors would like to pop by and learn how to deliver Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and an Automated External Defibrillator. (AED). 

Included in standard museum admission. Booking not required.
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