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Immortal Remains: A History of Preserving the Human Body

Date(s): 14 July 2020

Time: 7pm

Cost: £35-£40

Booking Link:

Copy Of Copy Of Death In The Arctic - FOH (4)


Join our Human Remains Conservator for this 3 week online course all about preserving the human body.

From mummies to plastination, relics to things in jars, this three week course will look at the various ways people have preserved human remains through history. Led by Human Remains Conservator Cat Irving, it will be divided into religion, science and art, and give insights into the work that she does at Surgeons’ Hall Museums.


This is a 3 week online course held via Zoom. One ticket admits buyers to all 3 weeks of the course. Individual weeks not sold separately. These tickets will admit the attendee to the Tuesday evening classes.

Week 1: Tuesday the 7th of July, 7pm.

Week 2: Tuesday the 14th of July, 7pm.

Week 3: Tuesday the 21st of July, 7pm.


We will email attendees with the Zoom meeting code the day before the first class.

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