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Body Voyager



The Body Voyager Gallery explores the rise in computerised and robotic technology in medicine. Visitors are taken on a journey through the human body exploring the way in which technology is changing the course of surgery and patient care. The galleries are designed to get the visitor thinking about how the surgical world is advancing and how they might feel about receiving treatment with these new technologies.

There are three key zones in the galleries: the head, the torso and the limbs. Each area will look at the development of technology and of robotics, exploring how each surgical specialty has advanced. The galleries incorporate a high level of interactive computer technology, working surgical instruments, and AV presentations to create an immersive experience throughout.

Surgeons’ Hall have worked with a number of surgical companies including Intuitive Surgical Inc, Freehand Surgical, Stryker and Bbraun to showcase the advancement in equipment used by surgeons, from the first pieces of robotic equipment used in the operating theatre to some of the most up to date, high tech instruments in use today.

The galleries pose many questions for visitors to consider: Will technology improve patient safety? Would you like to be operated on by a robot? Will the surgeon of the future be a data programmer? Will these changes ever replace the surgeon?


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